GUEST BLOG… My sister contributed the following. If you find any spelling or grammatical mistakes, you will note that such errors are consistent with the quality of the other blogs on the site. We are the children of an esteemed communication professor, but as he would have noted: “Good grammar/spelling skills run in the family, but when it came to these blog authors, those skills walked”. ENJOY THE BLOG.
Ten women gather each year on Kiawah Island, South Carolina for tennis, biking, walking on the beach and eating! For over 15 years, Martha has organized this great group and has provided the meal planning and cooking. We all help out. Martha’s goal – feeding ten people for four days (including wine and beer and liquor!) for under $100 per person.
Advance planning is key – and she takes into account food preferences and allergies.
Martha brings with her little baggies of any spices she thinks she will need. She figures out the main meals and then the different components of the main meal. Then she will see how overlaps work, so food not used in the main meals contribute to other meals.
Main meal or dinner menus included steak, potatoes with pesto, couscous with grilled vegetables, salad; surf and turf with leftover steak, Shrimp scampi, pesto pasta, salad, grilled asparagus; and shrimp/steak/veg tacos, quesadillas and more salad.
Lunch today will be two frittatas – leftover pesto potatoes with bacon and another one with leftover grilled vegetable/bacon and onions. Both have tons of cheese. And of course bacon.
Frittata Recipes
Each day begins with steel cut oatmeal with all the fixings served with a lot of coffee and conversation.
How does Martha do it? She buys steak, salad, eggs, garlic, peppers, tomatoes, red wine vinegar, coffee, olive oil, fruit, vegetables and bacon in bulk at Costco. She buys locally caught shrimp and adds a lot of helping hands. And then she mixes in friendship, memories, conversations and athletic activities to work all the food off.