Baker’s One-Bowl Brownies

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    • No, I recommend a 9×9 pan. The story goes…I used to work for Baker’s chocolate. We once did a focus group of users of our product. After the session an elderly lady came up to me and said: “Your recipe on the box is great but if you double the recipe or use a smaller pan (9×9 versus 9×13 in the recipe) and expand the cooking time (from 35 minutes to 55 minutes) you get a much better brownie. She was right. Baker’s didn’t change the recipe because we competed with boxed brownies that you could make in 30 minutes. Doubling the bake time was a disadvantage, but it makes a much better brownie. Hence the super secret recipe, that is on the box but with a twist

  1. I don’t know what went wrong. I followed the recipe exactly and it took fifteen minutes longer than the recommended time to bake and even then it still wasn’t done when I pulled them. When I removed the aluminum foil containing the brownie from the baking dish the brownie split down the middle and I had to press it back together again. When I cut the brownie the crust on the top split all over so the brownie was cracked everywhere. They tasted good despite being half cooked at the center. This recipe is too fussy and there is too much uncertainty in the recipe. I absolutely would not make again.

    • i am sorry you had a bad experience. Its not you.I have had the same problem. The issue is that using time and temperature is a recipe for disaster. Every oven is different. If you open the oven few times it can take even longer as it takes time for the oven to reheat.There are two tricks to live by: 1. The toothpick test…you have to keep baking the brownies until the toothpick comes out clean. 2. Let the brownies cool at room temp over night. These are not box brownies. They are harder to make and subject to issue. BUT THEY ARE WORTH IT. Give it another try using these tips. After that blame me

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